While continuously updating his knowledge in Full-Stack Web Development, and exploring advanced technologies such as React-Query, Docker-Compose and Cloud Native Architecture technologies, Andres R. Bucheli participates in international projects with US companies (UpStack, New Math Data, Veritas, Radiant Digital), and continues to work for Vonavis LLC Belarus.


Andres R. Bucheli graduated as a Hybrid Cloud Engineer, and decided to focus on Full-Stack Development with JavaScript based technologies. During this year he participates in different international projects, participates in collaborative programming projects such as freeCodeCamp, and starts to work for the Software Development Company Vonavis LLC Belarus.


Bucheli Web Development gets its first Mobile Development project, collaborating with the development of a mobile application for a German company focused on fitness, wellness and nutrition. In July Andres R. Bucheli graduates as Artificial Intelligence Developer and creates his first projects focused on Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and obtains the Hybrid Cloud Engineer scholarship offered by Nutanix and Intel.


Andres R. Bucheli completed his Master's studies, obtaining the Red Diploma of the Russian Federation, and graduated with honors from the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Russia. In August he decides to travel to the Netherlands and while continuing to work as a Remote Front-End Web Developer, he gets the Edge AI For IoT Developers Scholarship offered by Intel and Udacity and decides to return to Russia to focus on his studies and continue developing projects for Bucheli Web Development.


Bucheli Web Development begins to make itself known in Russia and to acquire its first clients. During his studies Andres R. Bucheli becomes interested in Blockchain Development and starts writing his master thesis focusing on Cryptocurrency Investment.


After working for the last years as a Full-Stack Developer mainly focused on the LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache Server, MySQL and PHP), Andres R. Bucheli decides to move to Russia to start his Master's Degree studies in Business Management and Financial Institutions and wins a scholarship offered by Google and Udacity to study Front-End Web Development with updated technologies (React, Redux, React-Redux. NodeJS, Express) and immediately decides to found Bucheli-Web Development as a personal venture.